Do you remember these familiar phrases, “God’s not finished with me yet,” or how about, “I’m not perfect just forgiven?” Were these expressions used to let others know they needed to give us some slack at times? Or were they used to make allowances for carnal Christianity? Arguably these phrases can be interpreted both ways. Although we live in the world, we need the Lord to take the world out of us.
After all what if Christians don’t look any different to those who aren’t? Well, that can certainly make us look hypocritical. The point is non-believers have been critical of those proclaiming to be Christians and many of them may have a point.
Do we really look distinct from the world, or are we conformed to it? Romans 12:2 states, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Moreover, if we can’t take the world out of us, how can we witness, stand, and live for Christ?
“Do not love the world, nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him” (1John 2:15).
To begin with what do we mean when we talk about the world? According to the Bible the world and all it has to offer is a system that is in opposition to God, His word, and His people. A system set up to make us happy without Christ based on false values. Furthermore, this system is based on passing things such as wealth, social status, possessions, lifestyles, and material security.
“For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world” (1 John 2:16, NLT).
So below I provide the three struggles we face. By the way, these are the same three struggles Eve faced when tempted in the Garden.
- The lust of the flesh; defined as sensual bodily appetites.
- The lust of the eyes; defined as evil desires born out of what we see.
- The pride of life; defined as unholy ambition of self display and self glory.
What is clear is that these three struggles work upon our weaknesses, and can lay hold of our affections. It is apparent that we are not to love the evil one’s domain (2 Corinthians 4:4). God calls us away from this love, and it is impossible for love to the world to coexist with love to God.
“Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God” (1Corinthians 2:12).
The victory over the world begins in our hearts, and the more love of the world that prevails in our hearts, the more our love of God decays. We cannot have divided hearts. To put it another way, we cannot serve two masters. “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will hold to one and despise the other” (Matthew 6:24a).
Dear Lord, please take the world out of us. “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want” (Psalm 23:1).
Has God taken the want out of you? Or can you say I want for nothing or I lack nothing? As we move forward in our walk with Christ, we should notice the yearning for things of the world fading away.
“I am a stranger on the earth” (Psalm 119:a). Wise people do not live for the world that is passing away.
Our desire should not be to make ourselves comfortable here. Let’s consider the faith chapter (Hebrews 11) which speaks of the “heroes of faith” in the Old Testament. Clearly these men and women of God were strangers and exiles on the earth. They were desiring a better country, a heavenly one (Hebrews 11:16). In essence this should be our mindset also.
“The Lord will accomplish what concerns me” (Psalm 138:8a).
Today you may notice yourself more alienated from the world. With the dramatic decline of our culture, and world system, I’m sure finding myself more distant from the world. So I would simply say this, the deterioration of the world may be God’s way of sickening us of this world, and ultimately taking the world out of us. Thus, in response we are forced to think upon our heavenly home.
Like many what we are looking for will never be found on the face of this earth. Every new venture in life whether it be a new place to live, a new job, a different church, a vacation, or a new relationship will never totally satisfy because the world was never intended for this purpose. Once again I am reminded, “Dear Lord, take the world out of us.”
Thank you again for another reminder of examining ourselves. We all want/desire things from time to time, but I also have noticed that I have become less and less desiring of temporal things. I look forward to the wonderful and everlasting things God has planned for us. I agree that the deterioration of the world is most likely God’s way of taking the world out of us and focusing on HIM. Praise the Lord!
Well stated Darlene. Thanks for your leadership and words of wisdom.
God Bless
Lately, I have been observing that this world has a way of keeping individuals busy ; whether with material desires that eventually end up in a junkyard, or the pursuit of something (career, status or person ) that might save them. Personally, the more I see the way of the world and it’s rapid deterioration, my desire as a believer in Christ needs to be prioritized for the most important ; that is to abide in Christ and allow Him to be the center of my life. Thanks Aida for the reminder, that this world will never satisfy.
I once heard a well respected evangelist say, “One life soon to pass, only what is done for Christ will last… .”
Amen. Thank you for illuminating the traps that so easily trip us and take our eyes off of our creator. Sad to say, sometimes they work, but most of the time they do not. Praise God, for He is Risen. Death and darkness tried to destroy Him, as it also tries with His followers. BUT Jesus wins and rules in my heart today. PTL.
I love this “But Jesus wins and rules in my heart today.” Good reminder, one day at a time. Thanks for the insight.
It is indeed greate to be reminded from time to time, that we have to differentiate between what is only temporary and that which lasts forever and really rewarding in the end.