We are in the process of moving right now. As I clear out the junk in our home, I am reminded of how my heart needs to be cleared of its junk. Whereas the junk in our homes need to be cleared out one room at a time, in the same way, the junk in our hearts need to be cleared out, one room at a time. The purging of this junk takes time, and this junk comprises the sins of the heart.
“The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; who can understand it” (Jeremiah 17:9)?
The question now becomes how did the junk get into our hearts, and can we name this junk for what it is? The answer to the first question. The junk was already there. The very home of sin is the heart. We are all born with a sin nature, and I think we get that.
The answer to the second question; well let’s be specific about this junk called sins of the heart. Here is a list (we can probably think of more, but this list is common to most):
• pride
• idolatry
• jealously
• envy
• coveting
• hatred
• fear
• anger
• bitterness
• lust
“Search me, O God, and know my heart” (Psalm 139:23a).
How do we begin to evaluate our own hearts? First, we can begin by assessing the rooms of our hearts to see what is there. However, be sure to consider the closed rooms, dark rooms, and the hidden nooks and crannies.
Another way to assess your heart is to listen to what your mouth is saying (“For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart”-Matthew 12: 34b). Finally, we need to pray for God to reveal our hidden, forgotten, or overlooked sins. A brief reminder, David prayed for God to search his heart (“Search me O God and know my heart”-Psalm 139:23a).
We’ll find that we can trust God in His dealings with the sins of our hearts. God will answer our prayer and bring to mind our sins. After all we can’t hide anything from Him, He already knows. And let us not forget, the One who knows us best, loves us best.
“Let’s examine and probe our ways” (Lamentations 3:20). It’s difficult to examine sins of the heart.
Self examination is always hard because it is painful for us to see within ourselves. But would we rather choose the alternative? Let the debris pile up in our hearts till it starts to stink and overflow into the lives of those around us.
“And why do you look at the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye” (Matthew 7:3)?
Now here is a question that Jesus has for us. Why are we so easy to notice small sins in others, while harboring large sins within ourselves? We spot sins so easily in others because we are all afflicted with the same sins of the heart to varying degrees. In other words, it is fair to say, it takes a sinner to know a sinner.
Unfortunately, there is one “sin of the heart” that will prevent many Christians from examining their “sins of the heart.” That is the sin of pride. Pride says to self, “I do not struggle with the sins of the heart, therefore, there is no need for self examination.” It’s necessary to leave your pride at the front door of your heart and enter in.
“Woe is me for I am ruined! Because I am a man of unclean lips” (Isaiah 6:5a). Here is an example of a prophet of God who was forced to look within his heart.
When Isaiah had a vision of the Lord, it produced a deep conviction of sin within him. We don’t know what the specific sin was, but he repented. The prophet Isaiah’s struggle demonstrates the universal problem of the human heart. As the apostle John has stated, “If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us” (1John 1:10).
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1John 1:9).
We must never think the work of sanctification has come to an end in our lives. It will never be complete this side of eternity. Our role is one of cooperation with God in which we depend on the Spirit within us (as we confess our sins as often as need be) to conform us into His image “one room at a time.”
Our heart represents our true self, what one is apart from pretense. God begins with the inner man and then works outward. Now that Jesus resides in the rooms of our hearts, we need to allow him at home in every room of our hearts.
Let’s not harbor sins of the heart that go unchecked. I know mine. Do you know yours? Is there something festering in your heart, something you are ignoring, or are hiding? The bottom line, we must keep our hearts with all diligence above anything else.
Aida..thought this post would by gloomy but actually it is very encouraging! No matter what..if we let Him..God is the garbage collector! Hopefully, as time goes on..we will have less garbage to give Him. But we will always have some to give Him. I’m reminded again and again to trust Him no matter what. Otherwise the garbage remains…spills over as you said..and causes pain not only in our lives but others.
Very well articulated it’s a difficult but sobering subject indeed.
Yes self examination can be painful. God Bless