In today’s world most of us have noticed a cultural shift that has been intense and appalling. But did you know children are being used to plunge society further into sexual depravity? I call this child abuse.
Children are as close to innocence as we will ever see in our world. So for them to suffer is tragic. Even worse is for them to suffer as a result of indoctrination by those who claim to be looking out for their best interests.
I’m talking about public school sex education. The bad news is the sex education curriculum has been extended down to Kindergarten level. The dismal truth is something sinister is taking place.
Unsurprisingly, this new curriculum has already been introduced in the state of California. Have you heard that the new sex curriculum devised for children is graphic and pornographic?
Today, public schools are forcing the LGBTQ agenda on children. This clearly sets up and grooms a generation to be tempted into sexual sin, or sexual perversity.
For some this may be a bitter pill to swallow, but it is true nonetheless.
“But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea” (Matthew 18:6).

It is obvious from the Matthew 18 passage above that attempting to destroy the innocent and corrupt their minds will incur severe consequences from God.
So what is the intention behind this type of curriculum? Obviously the intent is evil and is orchestrated by Satan himself. Infiltrating the schools is part of the devil’s strategy to corrupt the youth.
I might add that the majority of administrators/teachers are either not in agreement, or uncomfortable with this agenda. Some fear losing their jobs if they are non-compliant. Some are retiring early.
Before we explore some of the outcomes of the LGBTQ agenda, let’s first define what the letters represent:
L – lesbian
G – gay
B – bisexual
T – transgender
Q – those questioning their sexual identity
Okay, it is very evident that these descriptions are anti-God, anti-biblical and immoral. So why is this being taught to children? Another question I have is who is writing this stuff?
“Perversity is in his heart, he devises evil continually, he sows discord” (Proverbs 6:14).
The above verse is a clear description of the heart (in this case many hearts) of a person who would devise a nefarious program for children.
To elaborate, this program has been well thought out, planned, and written by a select few.
“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy” (John 10:10).
Next, here are some of the destructive outcomes of this movement:
Dismantling of truth and reality – An example of this is allowing an undesignated gender option on birth certificates in some states. What happened to scientific facts (DNA, Chromosomes)?
Another illustration is drag queen story hour at public libraries across the nation. Men dressed up in dresses and wearing make-up is a gross distortion of truth and reality.
What’s the matter with these parents who bring their preschool children to these events?
Dismantling a child’s innocence and sexualizing children early on – By far the biggest illustration of this is the sex education curriculum in public schools as I noted previously.
However, there are many more examples such as T.V. shows, movies, video games, advertising, and the list goes on.
Dismantle parental authority and destroy the family unit – Parents are being stripped of their rights when it comes to public education. Taking away parental rights gives the state more control over your children. More control means more indoctrination.
For instance, they are making it difficult for parents to opt their children out of sex education curriculum in California.
Finally, destroying the family unit results in broken and shattered lives. Destroying the family unit breaks down a society.
Prevent procreation – The devil has been trying to destroy humanity since the beginning of creation. A great example is the flood. Satan’s attempt was thwarted through Noah, and the human race was spared.
In the same way, Satan is ramping up his efforts these last days by attempting to corrupt the innocent with perverse lifestyles. If mankind can’t procreate the human race cannot go on.
Green light for child molesters – Sexualizing children and grooming them sexually has another evil intent. Lowering the age of consent. This has been a goal of this movement for decades.
Yet, under the radar, some countries have accomplished this. Here are the facts; France 15 yrs., Sweden 15 yrs., Germany 14 yrs., South Korea 13 yrs., Philippines 12 yrs., and Nigeria 11 yrs. old.
These are shocking statistics. This gives a green light to child molesters that they will not be accountable for their actions in a court of law. Who is really being protected here?
Will our nation follow suit in lowering the age of consent? Not surprisingly, Hollywood has made a movie promoting sex with minors.
Sex trafficking of children – Many people do not realize that this is a huge business across the globe. If children are sexualized at an early age, it is easier to prostitute them out to those who will take advantage of them for profit.
And now a word to parents who think this sort of thing is trendy and are encouraging their young children to explore the LGBTQ movement.
Parenting is a privilege given by God and parents are to be good stewards of their children. Parents should not seek to keep up with the trends of a debased culture and use their children as social experiments.
Some parents are now bringing their prepubescent children to physicians to instill hormone therapy to begin sex changes. This is child abuse by the parents.
Children as young as 8 years old can receive sex hormones to transition to the opposite sex just because they feel different.
Who are these doctors and what are they thinking? This is child abuse by the medical establishment.
Now Jesus gives us the conditions of the world just prior to His second coming. As it was in the days of Lot ( Luke 17:28). Let’s take a look at what was going on in the days of Lot.
“And the Lord said, “Because the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grave” (Genesis 18:20).

What was the grave sin? Although Sodom and Gomorrah were guilty of other sins, I believe sexual immorality and perversion (Genesis 19:5) were the primary reason for the destruction of the two cities.
These sins of Sodom and Gomorrah involved the old and young (Genesis 19:4).
Jesus foretold His second coming by giving us signs. He said it will be like the days of Sodom and Gomorrah on this earth; then He will return. I believe we are living in those days.
Still we cannot become accustomed to immorality or desensitized to it. Christians are the salt of the earth and called to be lights shining in a dark place (Matthew 5:13-14).
Have we, as the body of Christ, lost our effectiveness when it comes to the cultural war on our youth? Can those of us who proclaim to be Christ followers look the other way? Or even worse, bury our heads in the sand.
That aside, there is now a coalition of pastors and parents who are speaking out and coming against sex education curriculum. Here is the link for further inquiry.
To sum up, when a culture preys on its young and attempts to abuse their minds and bodies, we Christians need to wake up and speak up.
You are SO right!
Here in England we have exactly the same problems in our education system. An evil and perverted agenda is being forced upon parents and parents who object are being threatened with jail for protesting about it.
The media here is dominated by individuals who themselves are part of the LGBTQ movement, and constantly promote it.
Additionally the rights of these minorities are now enshrined in English law, and any objection or observation regarding the LGBTQ movement is treated as a hate crime by the police.
At least in America you have the right to free speech.
I don’t understand what has happened here in the last 30 years but the devil is calling the tune now and thousands of ignorant and foolish people are dancing to it. It is heartbreaking.
You are right, it is heartbreaking to see so many people blindly accepting this agenda. More importantly being forced upon the children. England sounds pretty much like the U.S. Our right to free speech is gradually being stripped away. And things have eroded rapidly these past few years. The devil appears to be winning, but we know who wins in the end. God Bless
Yes, the devil appears to be winning, but at the end God will file judgement on all who’s hurt children !