My husband and I recently attended a Christian coffee house. As we entered the venue I couldn’t help but notice most of the folks there were about our age, baby boomers to be exact.
A bit of nostalgia swept over me as I encountered this remnant of the Jesus Generation. For those of you who don’t know, there was a revival of young people that began in southern California during the late sixties and throughout the seventies.
You may remember the familiar bumper sticker “I found it.” Well, we were a lost generation and found Jesus.
Today what is astounding is the lost generation is more displaced, and in much larger numbers. By the way, a generation is defined as any group of people born at around the same time.
In other words the contemporaries of the time. The contemporaries of our time are the “millennials,” anybody born after 1980.
“For the Lord is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting, and His faithfulness to all generations” (Psalm 100:5).
To be sure every generation is a lost generation until they find Christ. But you’ll find that the number of lost young people today is staggering. Furthermore, data shows that many raised in Christian homes are walking away from God and the church in large numbers. In fact a surprising number have no knowledge of God at all. What is also very clear is that many are sold out to the pop culture of today. As we can see in today’s world the pop culture represents the “god of this world.”
We need to bear in mind the temptations out there are overwhelming. The culture is cramming horrific values down their throats. As well as the media stealing their hearts and minds. Add to that, with just the touch of their fingertips (computers and hand held devices) they can invite evil into their hearts and minds 24/7.
My generation was not bombarded with all of this. If so we would not have been immune to this onslaught of evil.
My son and I have had many “kitchen conversations” about the young people he meets at work and school. We have come to realize many have heart-rending accounts of tough circumstances. Many are riddled with confusion, desperation, and no hope. In addition, many endure a scattered existence going from here to there with no direction or guidance. It’s also worth mentioning many are not motivated, and not capable of setting or achieving any goals for their future.
Unfortunately, I have to add, there is a growing number of youth suffering the consequences of their parent’s troubled lives. In addition, many parents have sacrificed their children to the indoctrination of the world’s belief system and the pop culture of today. You might be thinking it is hard to raise children with a culture in decline, and I do get it.
Now youth is supposed to be a time of vigor and strength, going out into the world to make your mark. So when a young person moves into their late teens and into adulthood, the pressures and expectations increase. Yet many are so entrenched with their own dysfunctional lives they feel doomed to fail before they even start.
As a result many experience delayed adolescence and it may take them years to get their lives together. Another essential point that affects the youth of today is; it is harder to make your mark out there in the world, even if you are qualified and prepared.
“For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). The state of our youth today is in crisis mode. They are a lost generation that needs rescuing.
The Lord can be a shelter to this lost generation. They are truly like sheep without a shepherd. The gospel of Matthew shows us the response of Jesus to the lost, “And seeing the multitude, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and down cast like sheep without a shepherd” (Matthew 9:36). Jesus had compassion for the multitudes. Likewise we need to have compassion for the lost generation of today.
“A whole generation will serve Him; they will tell the next generation about the sovereign Lord” (Psalm 22:30).
Let’s not ignore this lost generation or think they are bad. Many of them are our children and grandchildren. Here’s my suggestion; pray for them, have empathy and compassion. Don’t ignore them, instead get involved as God leads you. Let’s advocate for this lost generation, they deserve it. Also, let’s keep in mind the parents of today who need teaching, mentoring, and support from those in the body of Christ.
In the end it comes down to this; a lost generation struggling to find meaning, truth, and the purpose of life. Many need to be loved and know God loves them unconditionally. Indeed many of them need to know they are forgiven for their failures, mess-ups, and poor choices. In essence, that their sins are forgiven. God’s mercy is unlimited for every generation.
Thank you for reminding us just how much this generation is involved in the things of the world and how we need to come around them for their purpose in life and to know more about our Great God.
How will they know if WE do not tell them?
Yes you are right, we need to take those opportunities to reach out to them. There were those who reached out to me, and I’m so thankful for that.
I agree. There is a calling / a commission for those of us who received God’s forgiveness during the Jesus Movement to share His love, and let His light shine through to this lost generation. How will they know, unless we tell them (Matthew 28:16-20).
So true and well stated. We do need to pray very hard for our kids grandkids, and for another great revival.
God bless!