The world says, “Ignorance is bliss.” Although this is a trite phrase that is commonly used, is there some truth to this statement, ignorance is bliss? I surmise yes. Depending on what we are ignorant of, or don’t know, ignorance can be a blessing in disguise.
“The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of this law” (Deuteronomy 29:29).
First of all there are things we cannot know; the future, the mysteries of God, and the secret things of God. Why does God keep things away from us, or keep us in the dark about certain things? Perhaps our finite minds and emotions cannot handle so much knowledge. In this context the saying, ignorance is bliss, becomes true.
Mind you God is probably protecting us from knowledge that would be harmful to us. In the same way, as we parents shelter our young children from knowledge that would harm them.
This, we must conclude, is the reason we cannot know certain things (such as the secret things of God mentioned above). Simply put, it is one manifestation of God’s loving protection upon His children.
Here’s an illustration in the book of Revelation about a mystery God has chosen not to reveal: “And when the seven peals of thunder had spoken, I was about to write; and I heard a voice from heaven saying,“Seal up the things which the seven peals of thunder have spoken, and do not write them” (Revelation 10:4).
The seven peals of thunder, John was told not to write down. Why did God instruct him to seal up the things which the seven peals of thunder spoke? We don’t know. Could it possibly be that knowledge of this mystery would be overwhelming and discouraging in light of all the judgments taking place in the book of Revelation? Judgments of plagues, pests, suffering, earthquakes, death, starvation, persecution, war, and the list goes on. It’s fair to say yes, all this is probably enough for us to digest this side of eternity. In heaven the full picture will become clear.
“Thou art my hiding place: Thou dost preserve me from trouble” (Psalm 32:7a). Again the saying, ignorance is bliss, becomes true as our loving God protects our thoughts and emotions.
Next, there are things that we should not know. We can burden ourselves with the need to know everything about everyone and every situation. Sometimes it is better if you do not know all the facts about a situation. We don’t have to know all things, or to solve all things. The point here is that God protects us from attack, hurt of exploitation, slander and many other things. Again the saying, ignorance is bliss, rings true.
“And God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, that you may be able to endure it” (1 Corinthians 10:13b).
Then again there are things we should not know until God reveals them to us in His timing, once again for our protection. Having knowledge according to His timetable means we are more able, and more equipped to deal with a particular situation in our lives. As it turns out the saying, ignorance is bliss, rings true again.
“Thou hast enclosed me behind and before, and laid Thy hand upon me” (Psalm 139:5). God our protector, in His mercy, withholds certain things from us. Let’s single out the blessings of not knowing:
- Keeps us walking by faith.
- Keeps us stable.
- Keeps us free of distractions.
- Keeps us productive.
- Keeps us free from pondering over evil.
Now, it so happens there is knowledge that would be harmful for us not to know. For instance, it is imperative that we study the word of God, understand it and apply it to our lives. There’s definitely consequences for not studying the Bible.
Another essential point is we need knowledge about our world, and we need to be aware of current events. Needless to say, there are many other necessary things we need to know to get through our days and to make wise informed decisions.
In conclusion, if you are struggling with things you cannot know, things you should not know, or things that are not yet revealed, don’t sweat it! Keep in mind the blessings of not knowing as mentioned above. As it turns out the old adage, ignorance is bliss, can clearly work to our advantage.
Another awesome and insightful article. Great job!! Tony D
Thank you for the reminder “God is our hiding place…Ps 32:7a ” He never fails to take care of His own.
Everything that is said and revealed by Him is done “In His time..”
For He Is God..
Thanks for this article.
Amen, in His time.
I have lately been struggling with the sudden, unexpected death of a loved one that took everybody absolutely by surprise; I struggle with feelings of guilt and regret for not doing some things differently that might have somehow (by human reason) brought about a different outcome, but as much as I grieve and fret there are more than enough indications that God simply called my loved one to His loving presence in His time and against all human expectations of longer life. I find great satisfaction in the fact that my loved one lived all her life in a loving, God-centered and God-fearing family and passed away quickly and painlessly if unexpectedly (actually during what was supposed to have been a minor surgical procedure requiring general anesthesia). I also find great comfort in the certainty that God knows what is best for all who love and fear Him (as my loved one did and all our family do) and that for those of us who fear God and believe and trust in His Son Jesus Christ, death is not the end and the separation that physical death brings is merely momentary. Thanks for this wonderful website and thanks to all who have posted comments here.
Armando, I am sorry to hear about the premature death of your loved one. Although, the timing and the circumstances were unexpected, God is the one who gives life and takes it away (Deut 32:39). You have consolation in the fact that your loved one is with the Lord as you so eloquently stated. Thank you for the reminder that death is not the end for believers; eternity with our Lord Jesus Christ is our blessed hope. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Thank you for your kind words.
In Him
Thank you for your words of comfort. If I have taken anything from this experience it’s the certainty that physical death is not the end. I know that God shares in our grief as believers but also supports and sustains us and above all gives us hope in the knowledge that bodily death is not the end of the story for those of us who wait, believe and trust in Him. Many blessings in Christ.
This really blessed me. Great article and insights. Thank you.