Do we value the children that have been entrusted to us? If we have been given the extraordinary privilege of becoming parents, are we good stewards? Does our parenting reflect the fact that our children are gifts from God?
“Behold, children are a gift of the Lord” (Psalm 127:3a).
According to God’s word children are a gift from the Lord. A gift is something bestowed on us voluntarily. It is not something we have earned or even deserve. If He has chosen us to become parents, it is a calling and a privilege.
It is plainly clear that human life (gifts from God) is special and to be valued more than any other part of God’s magnificent creation. We are exceptional because we are created in God’s image. “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them” (Genesis1:27).
You might be thinking what does it mean to be created in God’s image? In essence it means God has bestowed on us certain aspects of his nature or personality. As a result we have an inborn sense of right and wrong, we have intellect, and the ability to think and reason. Furthermore, we are relational beings, and God has given us free will.
Most importantly God redeemed the human race, no such sacrifice was made for angels. Hence we are special in God’s eyes. He loves and values us more than we can fully understand. Every gift of human life is highly valued and loved by God the creator of life itself. He is entrusting us parents with this gift of human life.
Today in a world that fosters narcissism there has been a gradual shift in how many individuals esteem parenthood. Also, as it turns out, I see some Christian parents fall into this category. Of course we know there has always been self absorbed parents. Today, however, this trend has become all too common place.
2Timothy 3:1-3 refers to the state of individuals in the last days. Paul says that men will be lovers of self and individuals will lack natural affection.
Besides many parents today with self-serving lives; what is also troubling is many parents lack natural affection. Natural affection is inborn, but narcissism seems to be crowding it out. Consequently, some parents have lost their ability to shelter and safeguard their children from harm.
Children need protection from physical harm, mental and emotional harm, physical illness, the dark side of our culture, negative peer pressure, and strangers that may harm them.
Today for instance here is typical examples that can be witnessed while out in public; parents walking in parking lots with their small children behind them, not holding the hands of their small children to cross streets, children running around cars in busy parking lots.
In addition, children are left alone to play inside or outside stores while parents shop. Also, children walking alone all hours of the day and night, children playing in parks and playgrounds with no adult supervision.
Add to all this what is going on indoors. Parents using television as a babysitter, and exposing their children to a steady diet of evil which has become mainstream. Leaving their children to play destructive video games for hours on end, not knowing how it could affect them spiritually, mentally, or emotionally. Allowing and enabling negative peer pressure. Small children left home alone. Finally, allowing their children to be in the homes of strangers where a plethora of things could go wrong.
Now it so happens this list could become quite extensive, but hopefully you get the drift. Some of these illustrations were not as much of a concern when I was a child. But today, however, that is not the case. We are living in a dangerous world.
Indeed, today large numbers of parents are failing to protect their children. Is this the way to treasure gifts from God and how did this happen?
While there is a lot of blame to go around, that is the subject for another day. One thing for sure, a person’s belief system and world views influence their priorities as a parent. The question now becomes how can this trend be changed?
This involves a change of hearts and minds. Today many parents need God’s saving grace and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit to work in their lives. Still, many desperately need teaching from God’s word, good parent role models, and mentoring from experienced parents.
When parents live their lives under God’s care and perspective children are not a nuisance or a burden.
A couple points to consider. First, God is the giver of life. We accept this gift of life which He has lovingly handed down to us. Let’s be clear, if you are a parent or soon to become a parent, God chose you for the task. “It is I who put to death and give life” (Deuteronomy 32:39b).
Second parents need to have a vision of Christ’s love for children. In Matthew 19:13-15, Jesus welcomes the little children and lays His hands on them as a sign of blessing. As busy as our Lord was He made time for these little ones, and this was not a waste of His time.
My goal in writing this post is not to disparage today’s parents. My purpose is to provoke soul searching and self observation. Today there are many parents (young and old alike) who treasure these gifts from God that have been entrusted to them. Furthermore, many are doing their best even though in difficult circumstances.
Nice article, Aida! These observations of the current parent commitment is spot on and noticed in society today. May the salvation of the Lord bring a covering for the children today!
Thanks for the reminder, we do need to pray for a covering upon the next generation.
Wonderful and eye opening article. I love your heart and your blog site.
All Moms and Moms-to be need to read this!
Thanks for your kind words, and I’am praying this post gets to where God intends. God Bless!
Good article Aida. Our children are being bombarded and indoctrinated with the ways of the world, and as Christian parents we have a great task to protect them with God’s leading, and pointing them to Jesus; ” fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith…” (Heb. 12:2).