The PC movement has taken over the mindsets of many. It has literally run amok in the media, schools, the government, public institutions, the workplace, the military, and discussions with friends and family. Actually I have had to joke about this movement by referring to it as a new mental disorder, with many plagued by it. But seriously, it is a dangerous movement that has infected the minds of many.
What is the driving force behind those who promote political correctness? There are many agendas behind this movement from political, social, and religious ideologies, to activists wanting validation for their sinful behaviors. Still, for some it is more personal. Seeking the recognition of man, acceptance from others, relieving of guilt, to promote a career, or to not hinder a career, or simply soul searching.
Regardless of the motivation, for many political correctness is a religion.
Everyone has a belief system whether they admit to it or not. A belief system governs our thoughts, words, and actions. Let’s back up a bit and define political correctness: Political correctness is the avoidance of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against.
“Open your mouth for the dumb, for the rights of all the unfortunate. Open your mouth, judge righteously, and defend the rights of the afflicted and needy” (Proverbs 31:8-9).
The truth of the matter is, nobody cares for the disadvantaged more then Jesus, and his followers. The difference is Jesus stands for truth. He is the only truth. “I am the way and the truth and the life” (John 14:6a). For many political correctness is a religion that has distorted God’s truths.
Quite deliberately, the PC clan have distorted the disadvantaged to include the rights of those who behave sinfully. Furthermore, they protect them from the consequences of their behaviors. At the same time, this foolishness is apparent to many. As clearly stated in the scriptures, “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God” ( 1Corinthians 3:19). Also, you may have noticed what has become apparent in recent times; intimidating and criminalizing those who don’t agree.
Today there are many prominent folks in our society promoting this movement. With their self-righteous attitude they vaunt themselves up before the masses. They believe their movement is for the good of everyone. They know better and their pious attitude is evident.
In other words, self-righteousness is bred in those entrenched in the PC mindset. They believe they are showing compassion and siding with the underdog. While they point their finger at those who don’t agree with them, many have become mean spirited. Taken a step further some are promoting hatred. These are their good deeds. Needless to say, before God’s eyes they fall short.
The book of Romans states, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Also, according to the Bible, “There is none righteous, not even one” (Romans 3:10).
Unfortunately, these people have been duped by a false belief system. Many are atheists, or have no fear of God (“There is no fear of God before their eyes” – Romans 3:18”). What we see clearly, they don’t see at all. Believers are able to discern truth because of the Holy Spirit that resides within. Therefore, these PC non-believers are blinded to the truth.
As stated in the gospel of John, “That is the Spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive, because it does not behold Him or know Him” (John 14:17a).
Remember the Apostle Paul prior to his conversion? He was hunting down Christians because he was religious, committing what he believed to be good deeds. He was a self righteous Pharisee (Philippians 3:5). The point is he was zealous for a false belief system. Wow, it sure seemed an impossibility that the truth would pierce his heart, but that is exactly what happened.
Needless to say, if Paul was saved from a false belief system, our PC friends, co-workers, and family members may see the light also. And while we are on the subject of lights, we Christians cannot hide ours from this PC ideology. The gospel of Matthew says Christians are lights in the world, and cannot be hid (Matthew 5:14).
With all the indoctrination that is taking place today it may seem overwhelming to penetrate this mindset. For many political correctness is a religion, and some find it easier to go along with the status quo, but Christians should not. Let’s not be silenced, and let’s not ignore God’s word. Pray for courage and God’s strength to stand for the truth.
Lastly, Jesus was not a wimp when it came to speaking truth. Remember the seven woes Jesus announced upon the Pharisees (Matthew 23: 13-36). Let’s follow His example.
Last Christmas season my elderly neighbors were asked to remove their, “Keep Christ In Christmas” sign from their picture window. Their granddaughter, an educator, thought someone might actually take offense and might throw “stones” or even worse at the window. Albeit it we are on a busy street but I highly doubt that would have happened, hopefully! Sadly I think political correction is driven in part by fear. Fear of what the “offended” party might think or feel. As you now can see on campuses, the “offended” are strong-arming the administrators/faculty for perceived offenses. Of course if there is truly harmful activities going on, they must be addressed. Not ridiculous grievances as to wearing a toga or sombrero to a costume party! What bothers or even scares me the most is that the “offended” are adamant, even militant in their protests. Not always given to clear or calm rationale. But they will be the first to “shut you up” and have no problem in their “offense” in NOT being politically correct regarding your beliefs. God help us!
Yes you are right about the “the fear factor.” Book of Proverbs states, “The fear of man is a snare” (Proverbs 29:25a). God Bless times I was afraid to speak up too.
You are not alone in this. We have all been intimidated at times to speak up. In light of the times we are living, let’s speak the truth, “in love.” There are many who need to hear the truth. God is a changer of hearts.
God Bless
politically correct
adj. Abbr. PC
Conforming to a particular sociopolitical ideology or point of view, especially to a liberal point of view concerned with promoting tolerance and avoiding offense in matters of race, class, gender, and sexual orientation.
I wonder if you mean liberal when you say politically correct? Is politically correct a camouflage word for bashing liberal view/democratic views?
I find it bizarre and confusing that so many christian/usually conservative support a man like Donald Trump. One of the many things I like about Trump and this election is that its exposing everyone’s confusion and inconsistent views. I like that Trump shows so glaringly that being a republican is not about being a person with good values. Somehow the conservative/republican party marketed themselves about Morales and values. I wonder if Jesus would agree with many financial republican views. This election has become about exposing the problems with becoming a nation with 2 political parties that bash each other.
Thank you for your thoughts. I am not promoting a political party or bashing a party. I believe there is corruption in both political parties, and also political correctness in both political parties. Also, as you have stated there is a lot of confusion; this is clearly stated in book of James, “For wherever there is jealously and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind” (James 3:16). And yes the Republican party has marketed themselves with having high morals and values, unfortunately the masks are being removed for many. With that being said there are still a few Republican politicians who are sincere and genuine. On the other hand, the Democratic party has promoted themselves as caring for the less fortunate, minorities etc. and their masks are being removed also. They are taking advantage of a narrative (PC) to promote a political agenda. All this points to the real issue the heart of mankind that is flawed and sinful, and we are all in need of a Savior. Thanks for your thoughts. God Bless
I’m very touched by your thoughts. Thank you
I agree, the bible explains us very well.
Yes, God knows and sees the heart of man. Have a great day
very insightful