Man’s experiment with forced diversity has certainly created a negative backlash. Unity is an ideal we would all agree is a good thing, but is it possible in a world marred by sin? Can mankind succeed in forcing diversity on the masses? Perhaps forced diversity could be today’s “Tower of Babel.”
“And they said, “Come, let us build for ourselves a city, and a tower whose top will reach into heaven, and let us make for ourselves a name; lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth” (Genesis 11:4).
After the flood when the earth was repopulating there was an ungodly and rebellious line from the descendants of Noah. Under their godless and ambitious leader Nimrod (whose aim was to control the masses), they were united and unwilling to separate, as God had commanded them to multiply and fill the earth (Genesis 9:7).
Nimrod, the builder of Babel, was probably the first globalist. It is apparent that the origin of the globalization mindset comes directly from the deceiver of the world, Satan. Indeed Satan is the great fraudulent imitator of God, wanting to unite the world into one glorious empire. In short, what took place during the days of Nimrod is occurring today.
Nimrod failed in His attempt to unite people of the earth in building the “Tower of Babel.” A union that leaves God out, or is not according to God’s plan results in failure and confusion. Additionally, the word Babel means confusion. Now, it so happens you may have noticed a lot of confusion in places where diversity has been forced.
“Why are the nations in an uproar, and the peoples devising a vain thing” (Psalm 2:1)? Today we are witnessing the elites of the world maneuvering for globalization. Forcing diversity is part of their sinister plan.
The driving force behind this movement embraces politics, economics, utopian ideologies, and greed (for power and money) of the elites. It is clear to those of us who follow Him, God’s plan for mankind is the only plan that works.
God created the nations, therefore, He created borders (Genesis 9-10). Our all wise and all knowing God had reasons for creating borders and separating people. One reason may be to preserve a remnant of His people. Scattering is better than unified apostasy.
Another essential point is that some nations are founded on Judeo-Christian values. Likewise, other nations follow pagan religions. Forced diversity could be Satan’s deceptive approach to eliminate Christianity. Borders and separating people could be God’s way of preserving His people.
An equally important thing to keep in mind when it comes to forced diversity is religious practices of certain groups are unethical and/or immoral (child brides, polygamy, justified murder, etc). Furthermore, some people groups tend to be more clannish then others. These two points alone can cause a clash of civilizations on a small or large scale.
” There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord” (Proverbs 21:30).
Those who think they can force diversity with a positive end result are arrogant. At the “Tower of Babel,” as mentioned previously, God forced his hand to stop building because of their pride and disobedience. This brings to mind the proverb, “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before stumbling” (Proverbs 16:18).
As we can see in today’s world forced diversity is failing. This failure is clearly illustrated in modern day Europe, and now taking place in our great nation as we witness conflict and division. The dismal truth is forced diversity is eroding our freedoms.
Unified people all over the world are the people of God. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ” (Galatians 3:28).
Today’s unity is only through Christ. Christ breaks down national barriers or borders. For people to communicate cross-culturally is to be focused on the cross of Christ. Also, a brief reminder, Christ does not force us to enter His kingdom, this is of our free will and choosing. Ultimately, this is freedom and what every human being longs for.
Today as we look on and witness forced diversity and see a divided world; let’s not lose heart. The good news is there will be a unified world someday under the reign of Christ, a world without division, more importantly, a world without sin. Oh, and just one more thing, maybe this new world is right around the corner.
Thanks Aida,
This article is a good insight and summary of what is rapidly happening now in the world and around us in our country.
Only under the reign and rule of Jesus (Yeshua) can there true unity and peace on earth.
Isaiah 9:6 …the government will rest on His shoulders… Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God , Everlasting Father , Prince of Peace….
Amen!! As always …so well said. xoxo L & B
Hi Aida,
Great article! Eschatology also requires unity for the future with a One World Government and One World Church. I receive legions of emails from Christians and Christian pastors who castigate me for opposing Rick Warren and a host of other false teachers because they believe I am coming against “unity.” They mark me as attacking a good brother and destroying unity and the Kingdom. They even quote Ephesians 4:3. And in Christ, we are to preserve the bond of unity, but NEVER at the expense of truth. But Paul also said the divisions must come. I have a great article demolishing the myth of “In Essentials Unity” I will send you upon request.
Hi James, I totally agree with you apostasy is taking place and I am thankful for those speaking truth. You are a watchman and there are few today. God is using you and, as you know, that is why you are attacked. I read your book a few years ago, and it was very discerning. Keep up the good work! God Bless, Aida
Excellent biblical commentary on the truth.
Paul B.
great article Aida, im learning so much from your comments. Love you honey Mom. xxxooo