Celebrity worship in America has for the past few decades turned into a form of idolatry. Let’s be honest, how many of us have felt star struck at times by a particular rock star or actor? However, today, it is clearly time to move on from a culture bent on celebrity worship.
“You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them” (Exodus 20:3-5a). Celebrity worship is a form of idolatry.
Idolatry is the worship or adoration of anyone or anything other than the Lord God. Idolatry includes the worship of other gods, creation itself and worship of human beings.
Today we don’t make idols of wood and stone as in biblical times. But we fashion Hollywood idols, rock idols, and many others as well.
At first glance, decades ago, celebrities appeared to be people of integrity with the same morals and values as most God-fearing Americans and many were. Not surprisingly, back then if their lifestyles came into question they were hidden from public view.
As we can see in today’s world there has been a rapid decline in the culture. In recent years celebrities have played a large role in this decline. Now that we have access to a plethora of information we can clearly discern their beliefs and what they represent.
Now the question becomes; what do celebrities represent? For starters many represent dangerous political ideologies. Furthermore, many promote immorality, perversity, and pornography in their performances and movies as well as their lifestyle choices.
Incredibly and quite deliberately some rock stars are performing or simulating Satanic rituals on stage.
What on earth is going on? In essence many celebrities are being used as a tool for Satan, whether aware of it or not. To make matters worse, many celebrities are very vocal about what they stand for. Subsequently, they flaunt their ideologies to the masses.
The next question to ask ourselves is who do they influence? The bottom line is young people are more easily drawn into celebrity worship. Many are mesmerized by a lifestyle of fame and money, as well as the attention they receive from fans fawning over them.
But the negative influence on the youth has taken a toll. They emulate these role models believing it is trendy. Many have been desensitized to sin and led astray by this powerful aspect of the pop culture.
“He has also set eternity in their heart” (Ecclesiastes 3:11).
More importantly, a final question; why do people have human idols? According to the Bible, God created mankind with an empty place within the heart. The void in his/her heart can only be filled by God.
The problem, though, is that humanity tries to fill the empty place with things other than God. More specifically idols. Celebrity worship is just one way to fill the void.
And on an appointed day Herod, having put on his royal apparel, took his seat on the rostrum and began delivering an address to them. And the people kept crying out, “The voice of a god and not of a man” (Acts 12:21-22).
Worship of human beings is certainly not new. One of many accounts in the Bible was King Herod. Dressed in royal robes he was arrayed in splendor before the people. Moreover, he was taking in the praise of his people. They were calling him a god.
Likewise, celebrities walk the “red-carpet” dressed in only the best that money can buy. Meantime their adoring fans clamor over them as if they were gods.
Now it so happens King Herod refused to acknowledge God or give him the glory. In contrast, many celebrities refuse to acknowledge God. Furthermore, many are downright hostile to Christianity.
The end result for Herod; he was dead five days later. Of course I’m not saying celebrities will die prematurely (although many have).
The point here is that they will leave this earth alienated from God and venture into eternity without Him. Instead of worshipping celebrities, let’s pray for their salvation.
Mind you I’m not putting all celebrities in the same category. But as it turns out the majority have a way of thinking and behaving that is damaging to our culture and especially young people.
Still, surprisingly, many Christians are mesmerized by this particular group of people. To put it plainly, human idols cannot infuse our lives with meaning or worth or give us eternal hope. With that being said it is time to dismiss celebrity worship from our lives.
The worship/ idolatry of Hollywood celebrities or even TV news casters is common place in the hearts of children and their parents,young or old. What ever lifestyle or behavior their favorite media person or celebrity displays is accepted without reservation, or discernment to see if there is any virtue or truth.
Good article for both non-beleivers and Christians.
I say, don’t bother trying to pray for celebs, theyre far gone. I say, turn away from them for good.
Also sex aint the only enemy of the church, theres also violence, greed and cowardice
We should be praying for them. They are people just like us, except their every action is publicaly scrutinized. No one who is still alive is too far gone for prayer. Celebrities need prayer without judgement and without our preconceived notions influencing how we pray for them.