Today we can’t help but wonder what’s gone amiss with women that take part in the abortion industry. The answer in many respects is that these women have lost their inherent qualities to protect, nurture, love, and care for human life.
Without natural affection…” (2 Timothy 3:3)
The Bible gives us a glimpse of the character traits that will be displayed during the last days on earth. 2 Timothy 3:3 states, “without natural affection.” We need to realize that women involved in the abortion industry, or those who give hearty approval to this practice, fall into this scriptural category, “without natural affection.”
So to make a career out of aborting babies is an unnatural inclination for a woman. The simple truth is those involved in the abortion industry have been deluded. Their only achievement has been a hardened heart.
The tragic fact is that abortion leaders, who believe they are enlightened elites and champions of women’s rights have sunk to the depths of depravity.
They are guilty of taking human life. Also, aiding and abetting others to do so. Equally important, and let us not forget, they have transformed the abortion industry into a butchering market for profit.
“I say this so that no one will deceive you through arguments that sound reasonable” (Colossians 2:4).
Meanwhile their influence on ill-informed young women has been profound. Most are counseled to go against their natural inclinations. So much for choice when options are not even presented.
Furthermore, young women come to abortion clinics in large numbers. Most have no support systems. Unfortunately, their vulnerability is seized upon. Yet many are too young or too confused to see all the ramifications of aborting their babies.
As a result the abortion industry has put millions of women into bondage. To be specific; many suffer emotional, psychological, and even physical aftermaths. Additionally, the consequences may continue over a period of many years.
Many women in the abortion industry have stepped their way up the corporate ladder. They may be well educated, and perhaps look sophisticated. Subsequently, many have nice incomes and by the world’s standards look successful.
The truth of the matter is that these women have not gained but have failed at their game. It is clear that they have lost something vitally important; the heart of a woman.
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb” (Psalm 139:13). What a woman is carrying inside her womb is a viable living human being.
The abortion industry is aware of the truth. Science has proven the fact that life begins at conception (thank goodness for the ultrasound). This fact cannot be denied.
Still the abortion industry chooses to ignore the truth. This fits into their agenda of empowering women and giving them the right to choose.
Well the dismal truth of the pro-choice movement is simple really. Their mantra is “self” and the sacrifice of anything that gets in the way of “self,” even children.
Sadly, the abortion leaders and those that work for them (mostly women) are in bondage also. They have chosen a path that devalues human life.
Furthermore, many of these women are blinded to the condition of their own hearts. I assume many have been indoctrinated by the culture and many live in denial.
Are these women mothers or grandmothers who participate in the abortion industry?
Did they experience pregnancy and marvel at the gift of life inside their own wombs? And did they experience the joy of giving birth and holding a newborn infant in their arms?
Also, did they experience the delight of raising children who grow up into admirable adults?
Lastly, do they value their own lives, the lives of their children, or grandchildren?
Or maybe a better question, do they have a conscious or an internal sense of right and wrong?
These are valid questions. I would suggest it seems unnatural and even hypocritical for a woman to make a career in the abortion industry, then go home to their family at the end of the day.
The erosion of a person’s morals does not occur overnight. Desensitization happens over a period of time. The end result, “death of a women’s heart.” For most of these women, I suspect, this was a gradual process.
These women involved in the abortion industry are accountable to God, as we all are. And yes, they have “blood on their hands.” Their very souls are at stake.
My prayer is that these women are forced to probe their own hearts, repent of these horrific crimes against humanity, then leave the abortion industry. There is hope, their dead hearts can be resurrected.
Reading this (although I did not have an abortion) I see some moms being so self centered today. At times I have been guilty of this. There are young moms here in my complex w young children who’ve yet to bring there children to church and they may never.
I understand what you are saying about some self-focused moms today. I have noticed this also and maybe this may a subject for another post. Yes it is true also that we have all been guilty of self-centeredness as moms, it is part of sinful nature. We need to keep the young generation of moms in our prayers.
Thank you for this blog. It is sad that sin has crept into people that think of themselves and the bottom line. Yes there are some scared girls and girls pushed into this situation from parents that don’t want “the family scarred” by what they would call the bad girl. But I only hope and pray that they repented to God, we KNOW HE is all forgiving for those who come to Him.
I know we can rest in the fact that all those aborted babies are in God’s hands and there is no better place. I pray for the girls to come and the people working in the industry that God will do a work in their hearts and they will walk away and into the arms of a loving Father.